anxiety-relief online
Free yourself from worrying!
2020 rewrote the way we are coping. The level of collective anxiety has deepened every mental problem, and the obvious solution is online counselling. If you are struggling with isolation, anxiety, grief, or having panic attacks, I'm here to help. You may feel a strong urge to change but don`t know how or where to start; online counselling can be your first step. You may be suffering deeply from a loss, have very low self-esteem, struggle with childhood traumas still shadowing your every day, or strengthen lately. Perhaps you feel things are just not right and should and could be better. You may have recognised the problem and acknowledge you need someone to lead you on through this. I am here to help you if you would like to work together.
If you feel like this:

Social isolation can cause severe anxiety, not to mention all the stress coming from the unpredictable future or the permanently changing conditions. We never know what to do, what not next, and the pressure of the fear of losing someone dear is tremendous. One of the recent US studies showed a significant increase in stress symptoms in 2020. Obviously, these symptoms' escalation was more likely to appear among those with preexisting mental or physical conditions.
Do you struggle with one of these physical stress symptoms?
- headaches
- back pain
- neck pain
- chest pain or discomfort
- other pain or discomfort
- problems with digestion
- nausea
- shaking
- sweating
- dizziness
- numbness or tingling

Or have you been experiencing any changes in your behaviour like these recently?
- irritability
- crying
- frustration, anger
- impatience
- emotional fatigue
- burnout
- deceased productivity
- concentration problems
- memory problems
- confusion
If some of these symptoms ring familiar to you, or you're feeling them while you read the list, you may want to have a trial session for free, please contact:
You can relax now...

If you are ready to take steps towards your transformation, then I'm looking forward to your call and surrounding you with unconditional acceptance, empathy and focused attention in a relaxing, non-judgmental, inspiring way.