Solution for tenacious anxiety
Before you start your regular practice, always remember to get as comfortable as possible, whether it sitting or lying down. You may want to loosen any tight clothing a bit or remove your glasses, any jewellery, or anything that is in contact with your body and restricts your comfort. Place your arms in your lap or at your sides and keep your legs uncrossed and slightly apart. Should your feet flat on the floor. Keep your back straight and try to find the most pleasant posture. Then, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, like you are breathing out everything that has come before this moment. Do this a few more times to achieve a general relaxation of the body, and then slowly repeat to yourself the sentences below (following).
As you say each phrase, focus on that part of your body, visualize it, and then try to feel what you are suggesting. Leave all your expectation behind; let the process unfold spontaneously.
I'm calm and relaxed. Let all the inner worries and external noises fade away. I surrender to peace, I surrender to the desire to create my physical and mental harmony. In my mind, I relax each part of my body one by one. My shoulders and arms are loose and relaxed. My back and hips are loose and relaxed. My legs, tights are loose and relaxed, my feet flat on the floor, grounding me. My head and face are loose and relaxed, every tiny muscle is at ease. My jaw is loose and relaxed, my tongue rests lightly on the roof of my mouth. My eyes rest.

I'm peaceful and relaxed.
Both my arms are becoming heavy. Both my arms are becoming heavy.
Both my arms are heavy. Both my arms are heavy.
Both my arms are very heavy. Both my arms are very heavy.
Both my legs are becoming heavy. Both my legs are becoming heavy.
Both my legs are heavy. Both my legs are heavy.
Both my legs are very heavy. Both my legs are very heavy.
My whole body is heavy. My whole body is heavy. My whole body is heavy.
My whole body is very heavy and relaxed.
Both my arms are becoming warm. Both my arms are becoming warm.
Both my arms are warm. Both my arms are warm. Both my arms are warm. Both my arms are warm.
Both my legs are becoming warm. Both my legs are becoming warm.
Both my legs are warm. Both my legs are warm. Both my legs are warm. Both my legs are warm.
My whole body is warm. My whole body is warm. My whole body is warm.
My whole body is warm and relaxed.
My whole body is heavy, warm and rests.
My heartbeat is calm and regular. My heartbeat is calm and regular. My heartbeat is calm and regular
My whole body is breathing.
The warmth is spreading from my naval to all over my abdomen.
My forehead is smooth and cool, my thoughts are clear and flowing freely.
I'm calm and peaceful.
I'm calm and relaxed. Now I reawaken my body and mind, I am becoming more alert; I tense and stretch my arms, take a deep breath and open my eyes.
If you want to listen to it, and practise it that way, you can download here: